ANDESCOMM is company which provides consulting services to industrial customers and power companies since 2004.

In the industrial sector, its business scope focuses on companies which have a high volume of electric energy consumption, and are looking for an integral solution, at stable prices and with low long-term risks.

For medium-sized electric energy consumption companies, and which correspond to “regulated” customers that have access to a competitive electricity market, it focuses on offering them its vast experience on the Chilean electricity market.

For new power companies, our service focuses on engaging, selecting and contracting new customers, completely independent from norm-setting and regulating state organisms from the sector.

A third line of business is the elaboration and implementation of a Marketing and Commercialization Plans for electric power companies which are looking to enter Chile’s electricity retail market.


Our business scope is based on offering our clients strategic long-term guidance on contracting, physical power line connections and plant operations related to electric energy, as well as providing up-to-date market analysis.

Our service is not just consulting, which is part of our global services, but also to use our vast commercial and operational experience toward helping reach agreements with the client’s perational team, as well as support for smooth communication with the client’s high management team.


We participate alongside our customers during the creation of their long-term energy strategy plan, engaging with new electric power suppliers, Due Diligence process with suppliers, electricity retail contracts, as well as designing creative business solutions to optimize connection to the Chilean National Electric Grid System (SEN).


We provide technical-business evaluation services, power demand determination, and long-term income forecasting for new power company plants looking to sell their supply to non-regulated customers which have access to the competitive electricity market or participate in periodical public bids that the Chilean National Energy Commision publishes, with the object of supplying electric power concessionary companies’s regulated customers.


Power companies will have to face short-term electricity retailing. In order to approach this market niche in a structured, efficient and effective manner, ANDESCOMM assists by preparing a business strategy, which includes marketing and business plans, human resource training and preparation of pilot and implementation plans for power companies created a few years back, as well as power companies which are currently incorporating into the Chilean electricity market.

As complement, for our customers from any one of Andescomm’s three major areas of expertise, we offer them on a regular basis, an electricity market and regulatory sector analysis. To that end, we guide our customers about the evolution, tendency and growth of the electricity sector in Chile, as well as providing critical analysis of the existing regulation stakeholders and the impact of future legislations expected in medium term.

Contracting more than 12.500 GWh

Our company has vast practical  knowledge and expertise on Chile’s electricity industry which allows us to solve issues in a unique, original and distinctive manner. Andescomm assists its clients on maintaining their focus on the main energy issue, to develop actions and expand their practical capabilities, getting completely involved in the business-strategy process, as well as leading the overall work required.

Edgardo González-Garlick

Civil and Electrical Engineer from Federico Santa María University, with vast experience holding executive positions in companies’ commercial and electric power areas in Chile. In Andescomm, he is the Business Director responsible for client relations with a focus on action strategy proposals, guidance during negotiations, and creative business solutions for their customers.

Fernando López-Fredes

Civil and Electrical Engineer from Federico Santa María University, with vast experience holding executive positions in companies’ commercial and electric power areas in Chile. In Andescomm, he is Engineering Director, responsible for technical and commercial studies, project evaluations, with focus on reaching added value solutions for their clients.


ANDESCOMM, from its beginnings, has accomplished electric energy contracts which add up to more than 12,500 GWh, in all the processes it has been involved with for its customers.

We highlight two of the major industrial electric energy consummers in Chile supplied by Chilean power companies whom have trusted in our services for the past 10 years.




Leer Más
  • Negociación y Contratación de energía eléctrica para planta de laminación en zona de concesión de empresa distribuidora.
  • Análisis y estrategia para cliente no regulado inserto en zona de concesión de distribuidoras, con el objeto de disponer de un nuevo punto de suministro de conexión directa al sistema de transmisión troncal.
  • Plan estratégico de largo plazo para la contratación de energía, para planta elaboradora de productos lácteos.
  • Búsqueda de oferentes, proceso de licitación y posterior Due Diligence para red de transporte metropolitano.
  • Optimización contractual e implementación de medidas de eficiencia energética para todas las sucursales, de uno de los dos bancos privados más grandes de Chile.
  • Estudio de impacto comercial en la facturación de energía y potencia eléctrica, para plan de expansión de cliente no regulado.
  • Asesoría en reducción de costo tarifario de energía eléctrica para Clínica Médica.
  • Análisis del mercado y alternativas de contratación factibles, para empresa de fabricación de botellas de vidrio.
  • Diagnóstico y recomendaciones de corto plazo, para cliente no regulado del sector de elaboración de jugos.
  • Auditoría técnica y verificación de cumplimiento regulatorio, de implementación de instalación eléctrica.
  • Análisis del mercado y alternativas de contratación factibles, para empresa de fabricación de piezas de fundición.


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  • Diagnóstico técnico y comercial, evaluación de ingresos, gastos, pérdidas, Capex requeridos y proyecciones de EBITDA para inversionista interesado en adquirir una empresa distribuidora del Sector Eléctrico de Perú.
  • Asistencia a proyecto de central de Biomasa en proceso licitatorio para suministro a clientes regulados de empresa concesionarias, con inversión cercana a MMUS$90.
  • Evaluación técnica y económica y modelo de negocios para un proyecto de pequeña central hidroeléctrica.
  • Evaluación técnica y económica y modelo de negocios para un proyecto de central eólica.
  • Evaluación técnica y económica y modelo de negocios para un proyecto de pequeña central geotérmica.
  • Evaluación técnica y económica y modelo de negocios para un proyecto de central termoeléctrica de petróleo pesado.
  • Evaluación de contrato con empresas distribuidoras, para cuatro proyectos de pequeñas centrales de generación distribuida, para empresa eléctrica europea interesada en su adquisición.


Leer Más
  • Presentación detallada del mercado retail de electricidad en Chile, los principales actores, las barreras de entrada, los cambios regulatorios que lo afectan y los principales competidores, para empresa generadora.
  • Definición de requerimientos y estructura organizacional para abordar el retail eléctrico en Chile, tanto del front-office como el back-office para empresa eléctrica establecida.
  • Perfil de recursos humanos, planes de capacitación requeridos, evaluación del desempeño y estructura salarial alineadas con el Plan de Comercialización, para empresa eléctrica establecida.
  • Plan de Marketing, incluyendo propuestas de acciones de gestión, captación, fidelización de clientes y propuestas de sistematización de la información mediante herramientas de Inteligencia de Negocios, para empresa generadora.
  • Negotiation and contracting of electric energy for rolling mill plant inside electric distribution company service area.
  • Analysis and strategy for non-regulated customer inserted within the electric distributing company’s service area, with the object of creating a new direct connection supply point to the trunk transmission system.
  • Strategic long-term plan for energy contracting for a dairy products elaboration plant.
  • Search for offerors, licitation process and subsequent Due Diligence for metropolitan transportation network.
  • Contract optimization and implementation of energy efficiency measures for all branches of one of the two largest private banks in Chile.
  • Business impact study for energy revenue and electric power for non-regulated client’s expantion plan.
  • Avisory on reducing electric energy costs for medical clinic.
  • Market analysis and feasible contracting alternatives for glass bottle manufacturing company.
  • Short-term diagnosis and recommendations for non-regulated client from juice elaboration industry.
  • Technical auditing and verification of regulatory compliances of electric installation implementation.
  • Market analysis and feasible constracting alternatives for metal casting company.
  • Technical and commercial diagnosis, revenue evaluation, expenses, losses, required Capex and EBITDA projections for investors interested in buying a power company from Peru’s Electrical Sector.
  • “Biomasa” power plant project assistance during licitation process for non-regulated clients of service area, with investment near MMUS$90
  • Technical and commercial evaluation and business model for small hydroelectric plant.
  • Technical and commercial evaluation and business model for a wind plant.
  • Technical and commercial evaluation and business model for small geothermal plant.
  • Technical and commercial evaluation and business model for thermal power plant with heavy crude oil.
  • Contract evaluation with power company, for four projects of small distributed generation plants, for European power company insterested in buying it.
Leer Más
  • Detailed presentation of Chile’s electricity retail market, it’s key players, entry barriers, regulatory changes that affect it and main competitors for a power company.
  • Requirement definition and organization structure to approach Chile’s electricity retail from front-office as well as back-office for an established power company.
  • Human resource profile, requiered training plans, performance evaluation and salary structures aligned with its Business Plan for an established power company.
  • Marketing Plan, including management actions proposal, training, client loyalty and information systemization proposals through the use of business intelligence tools for a power company.
Tel. +562 2942 6917
       +562 2949 1938